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Dodatkowe przyk艂ady dopasowywane s膮 do hase艂 w zautomatyzowany spos贸b - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawno艣ci.
T艂umaczenia dodatkowych przyk艂ad贸w zda艅 r贸wnie偶 generowane s膮 przez automatyczny modu艂 i nie s膮 weryfikowane przez naszych lektor贸w.

To many people, he seems to be on a bit of an ego trip.

Do wielu ludzi, on wydaje si臋 mie膰 miejsce troch臋 z podr贸偶y ego.

Some of these guys were on a major ego trip.

Jacy艣 z tych facet贸w byli na g艂贸wnej podr贸偶y ego.

It's not more of an ego trip than any other part I've done.

To jest nie wi臋cej z podr贸偶y ego ni偶 jakakolwiek inna cz臋艣膰 zrobi艂em.

"They felt it was a little bit of an ego trip ."

"Czuli, 偶e to jest male艅ko z podr贸偶y ego."

The chance of an ego trip. to add to all the ones I've already made?

Szansa na podr贸偶 ego, zwi臋kszy膰 wszystko ju偶 zrobi艂em?

"Are you on an ego trip playing at being a revolutionary?"

"Puszysz si臋 jak paw przy bawienie si臋 b臋d膮c rewolucyjny?"

Perhaps Angela was right to call it all an ego trip.

Mo偶e Angela mia艂a racj臋, 偶e nazwa膰 to wszystkim podr贸偶 ego.

Some were on an ego trip and violated the rules.

Jaki艣 puszy艂y si臋 jak paw i pogwa艂ci膰 zasady.

The lady is on an ego trip. Matt had thought.

Pani puszy si臋 jak paw, Matt pomy艣la艂.

But think of the ego trip this assassin must be on.

Ale my艣le膰, 偶e z podr贸偶y ego ten zab贸jca musi mie膰 miejsce.

"The more senior officials should think of it as an ego trip.

"Im wysocy funkcjonariusze powinni uwa偶a膰 to za podr贸偶 ego.

To possess power is the ultimate ego trip for many people.

Posiada膰 uprawnienie jest najwy偶sz膮 podr贸偶膮 ego dla wielu ludzi.

For many of these unknowns, little more is involved than an ego trip.

Dla wielu z tych nieznanych, ma艂o wi臋cej bierze udzia艂 ni偶 podr贸偶 ego.

You think I'm on some kind of ego trip.

My艣lisz, 偶e zach艂ystuj臋 si臋 jakim艣 rodzajem ego?

- 3 months ago Natalie is on an ego trip.

- 3 miesi膮ce temu Natalie puszy si臋 jak paw.

That the whole thing was an ego trip to divide the Jews.

呕e ca艂a rzecz by艂a podr贸偶膮 ego dzieli膰 偶yd贸w.

The heroic quest begins to feel like an ego trip.

Bohaterskie poszukiwanie zaczyna czu膰 jak podr贸偶 ego.

It did do one other thing: I don't need ego trips.

To zrobi艂o jedn膮 inn膮 rzecz: nie potrzebuj臋 podr贸偶y ego.

"That seemed like too much of an ego trip ."

"To wygl膮da艂o jak zbyt wiele z podr贸偶y ego."

"Some of these women, it's an ego trip for them.

"Jaka艣 z tych kobiet, to jest podr贸偶 ego dla nich.

He seems to have a big ego trip. gets a lot of people interested in his plans and then does nothing about it."

On wydaje si臋 mie膰 du偶膮 podr贸偶 ego, ma wielu ludzi zainteresowanych jego planami a nast臋pnie nic nie robi o tym. "

"The party leaders are all on ego trips and want their separate parties," he said in an interview.

"Przyw贸dcy partii s膮 wszystkim na podr贸偶ach ego i chcie膰 ich odr臋bne przyj臋cia," powiedzia艂 w wywiadzie.

Others are described as ego trips for a handful of growers.

Inni s膮 przedstawieni jako podr贸偶e ego dla garstki hodowc贸w.

The small ones that will survive are the ego trips for rich owners.

Ma艂e to prze偶yje s膮 podr贸偶ami ego dla bogatych w艂a艣cicieli.

Many people would file just to have a conversation piece or an ego trip to say they ran for mayor.

Wielu ludzi z艂o偶y艂oby tylko by mie膰 obraz przedstawiaj膮cy scen臋 rodzajow膮 albo podr贸偶 ego powiedzie膰, 偶e kandydowali na burmistrza.

Uwaga: T艂umaczenia dodatkowych przyk艂ad贸w nie by艂y weryfikowane przez naszych lektor贸w - mog膮 zawiera膰 b艂臋dy.

To many people, he seems to be on a bit of an ego trip.

Some of these guys were on a major ego trip.

The chance of an ego trip. to add to all the ones I've already made?

It's not more of an ego trip than any other part I've done.

"They felt it was a little bit of an ego trip ."

"Are you on an ego trip playing at being a revolutionary?"

Perhaps Angela was right to call it all an ego trip.

Some were on an ego trip and violated the rules.

It did do one other thing: I don't need ego trips.

"The biggest thing I didn't want to happen was for it to be an ego trip ," he added.